
Lincolnshire-based training company, Best First Aid, started out by offering first aid training. They now offer a wide variety of first aid, safety and education training courses. As their business has developed, they realised it was time for a brand refresh.


Web design
Web development

Close up shot of the new logo designed by Balance Designs for Best
Examples of the new Best First Aid, Best Education and Best Safety training logos
Inside spread design for Best’s brand guidelines.
MacBook Pro displaying the new website designed for Best
An examples of the website guide designed for Best.
Website page design displayed on an iPhone

Due to the expansion of training services offered, we recognised that Best First Aid required a new name. Working closely with the client and marketing agency, Purple Robot, we decided to simplify the name to just 'Best'. The name, Best, meant that they now had a prefix to all their training categories which could go on to act as sub-brands.

We then got to work on the branding, developing several logo concepts and colour palettes that would marry up with the personal-yet-professional feel the company portray.

A new website, offering access to their wide variety of courses has since been developed to ensure their brand continues to show off their slick but inviting look.

Best are well on their way to stepping up their branding to the next level. Going forward, we look forward to developing their brand further and helping them go from strength to strength.

Examples above produced whilst working with Purple Robot Marketing & Design.


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The Rolling Scone